23 Caladenia Rise, MARGARET RIVER
Property Details

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Helpful Information
Renting a property through Margaret River Real Estate is a simple process and it even comes with a guidebook!
If you've found the perfect property to rent, you'll want to maximise your chances of securing the lease and certainly don’t want to make any mistakes. Our handy Rental Guide is exactly what you need to get prepared and secure your perfect home as soon as you find it. This Guide outlines how to find your perfect home to rent, how to apply for a lease and the continuing process of your tenancy agreement after you have secured a lease.
Please use the following link for a readable and printable PDF file:
Around the Area
Margaret River is one of Western Australia’s best tourist draw cards as it is world renowned for its winemaking, spectacular surf breaks and coastal scenery. Towering forests and picturesque vineyards provide scenic delight above ground whilst magnificent limestone caves form unique beauty underground. Located just 300 kilometres south of Perth, the Augusta Margaret River region is enriched with wide range of cultures, characters and activities and supports a local population of approximately 15,000, making it one of the fastest growing shires in Australia.
Margaret River Real Estate manages properties in nine areas of the region and each one of these areas is unique in its characteristics and appeal. To find out more about these regions, click on these links to see the lifestyle opportunities they offer.
MARGARET RIVER - The Heart of the South West Capes
PREVELLY - Where the River Meets the Ocean
GNARABUP - Overlooking the Indian Ocean
COWARAMUP - Full of Country Charm
WITCHCLIFFE - Gateway to the South
GRACETOWN - On the Coast at Cowaramup Bay
Schools in the Area
There are eight primary schools within the Margaret River High School catchment area, four of them being in the actual townsite of Margaret River and the others being in Cowaramup, Karridale, Augusta and Forest Grove.
Click on this link to see the exact locations of all of these schools.
Catchment areas for Margaret River Primary School and Rapids Landing Primary School fall within specific street boundaries in the Margaret River town area, so it may be useful to click on their boundary locations as this may affect your choice of property to rent.
Your Property Manager
Trudy Tutty is the Property Manager of and is here to help you secure a tenancy and be by your side for the life of the tenancy agreement.
Trudy Tutty
Our Agency
Margaret River Real Estate First National
Margaret River Real Estate is dedicated to delivering an exceptional experience from our Margaret River office, so every member of our team strives to make a difference. From the very initial contact, right through the entire leasing process, our property managers and specialist support team will be by your side every step of the way.
We're located right in the heart of town and right in the heart of the region.
Our Website
Click here to view and other properties for lease on our website.